Prepare your Flutter app for production.

Flutter Code Assessment

Improve your app with expert recommendations for scalable code. Our Flutter engineers have more experience with high-scale production Flutter apps than any other team. Our Code Assessments help clients improve their code and get it ready for scalable growth using our proven best practices.

Mobile phone with home screen

Have an existing Flutter codebase?
We'll help you get ready for production.

Step 1:
Code Review

Our team of experts will provide a comprehensive analysis of your existing Flutter codebase. We have exacting standards based on our deep Flutter experience. We're nit-picky and we don't sugar coat anything because we want your team to be successful in the long-run.

Step 2:

The Code Assessment includes actionable recommendations and an in-person workshop with our engineering leaders. We help your team prioritize, plan, and implement improvements to your app and developer process, so that your team is hstager and more productive.

We evaluate your codebase for scalable best practices.

Onboarding & Docs

We make recommendations to improve onboarding for new developers.


We evaluate your dependencies and packages.

Static Analysis

We ensure your code takes full advantage of the dart analyzer for a safe, consistent codebase.

Project Structure

We recommend best practices for how an app should be structured and organized.


We provide strong opinions about app architectures that are proven at scale.

State Management

We evaluate your state management solution and use of dependency injection.

Code Quality

We review overall code quality, organization, consistency, and best practices.


We identify security risks and dangerous practices.

Widget Implementation

We validate theming, localization, and widget performance.


We review CI/CD pipelines and automation to increase developer efficiency.

Repository Setup

We ensure best practices are enabled for effective team collaboration.


We check for testable code and test coverage for unit, widget, and integration tests.
The best time to refactor is right now.

Invest in the future of your codebase.

Get in touch!

Tell us how we can help you with Flutter app development.